Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lies and All That

Lie can be so deadly. Here's a poem I've made not so long ago regarding my views on how lies corrupt us and such, hope you like it.

“Deadly Lies” by Marianne Falcis
How deep the earth shall our bodies be buried?
Down beneath the earthly soil that gives life to the plants,
That beautify the surroundings and bear fruit to the living.
Shall the world that we longed for be forever gone,
Faded down into the mist of airy nothingness?
The darkness and the cold cover our soul-less shell,
Our mortal flesh decaying…
Shall we be turned into nothing more but a pile of bones?
As we look back at memory lane’s best,
 We see our mistakes.
We only saw what we wanted to see,
The glamorous and fabulous façades of life.
We ignored the stench of falsehood and deceit in all of those days.
Happiness, love, purity, morality and innocence,
Turned glum by our own infectious and dirty lies.
We had forgotten about the tragedy of reality,
That our world is running out of chances.
We had been exposed of our wickedness. Our lies.
Our sinful ways have gotten the best of us.
Our humanity diminished, buried inside a coffin
Together with all the hope that has been robbed of us.

So come let us rise from our deathbeds and stop living our lives like the living dead.

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