Friday, August 5, 2011


Not only in writing and talking do we commit redundancy, we also tend to do it in life. At times, we do not easily learn, that is why we tend to repeat our mistakes. Sometimes we just do it because we forget. Sometimes, we just didn't learn from our mistakes and sometimes, we get our hopes up and think maybe, it would be different this time around. Sometimes we already know what would happen, because of the things that we know happened to the people we know, but we still do it because we want to experience things. Though, it might become dangerous at one point in our lives, it is a bit healthy too. Without making mistakes of our own we don't really get to experience life. We only experience an illusion of life, because deep inside we feel trapped by our own self. So it's safe to say maybe being redundant at times isn't so bad, because from it we actually get to understand things better. We get to see the whole picture clearly and upfront not just a glimpse of it, because seeing just a glimpse of the picture could lead to misunderstanding, so it is either you see fully and wholly or to not see at all.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Greenday tells us to have hope.

A Warriors's Thanks

I was there, almost an inch away from my goal
then, you fell into the picture.
You looked so nice and innocent, 
but after a while I knew what your life's mission is.
Your mission was to destroy my life,
to pour all your angst and  ill feelings towards me.
You wanted me miserable and sad,
living in the boulevard of broken dreams,
but I am sorry, it's never gonna happen,
not even in your dreams.
I thought I was weak before,
but after you,
I think I've experienced all the worst in the world.
Thank you for being in my life,
because without you,
 I wouldn't be who I am today,
a strong and persevering warrior.
 This is for the people who are in incredible pain and depression. You'll someday move on and find the light that will lead you to happiness and success. 


A song from one of my favorite movies and also one of the most inspiring and tragic movies ever,  which was adapted from Nicholas Sparks novel of the same title,  " A Walk To Remember" .

Irony of Life

Have you ever notice how ironic life is? Most of the time we say things because they are the right words to say at that moment, but after some time when you really get to think about them you realize you were wrong. Wrong in a way that we say things are easy to do, but after experiencing them you'd take back what you said. In reality is it's easy to give advise, but when your the one in the blue you realize that its easier being said than done. Today, my life's a roller coaster. There were some moments that I was happy and moments when I felt like giving up and so hopeless and depressed. "Why?", you may ask, well if it isn't obvious as a student only one thing can cause that, scores in the mastery tests (excluding exams and tests, since we'd have our exams tom.). I feel so guilty and depressed. Guilty because I know I could have done better by actually studying rather than cramming. Depressed because of the effects of my laziness, which resulted to unacceptable score (well, under my terms anyway). Well, they said karma bites you back, then maybe this is it. Now, I realize hard work does beat stored knowledge. What's done is done, I'd try to move on because tomorrow is a new day, a day I vow to be better.

Monday, August 1, 2011

So True!

"Study without desire spoils memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in."

- Leonardo da Vinci

This is so true and I am a witness to this. If you study something you don't like, no matter how hard you try to focus, you'll never do because you are not interested. Interests are what keeps us excited and what makes life worthwhile especially times of depression or hardships.


Things that come into mind when you hear exam:

  E -xhaustingly Hard 
eX - cruciating Torture
  A -hay ah!
  M -emory Black-out
   S - tressful and Sleepless Nights 


"Under Pressure"

The Glee Project contestants may be "Under Pressure" with the competition, but I AM UNDER PRESSURE BECAUSE OF SCHOOL ESP. EXAMS!!! After this I'll as cold as"Ice Ice, BABY" : D