Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Balancing Act"

Our universe has evolved after long periods of time, and yes not years but millenniums. From simple and personalized rock carvings to high-tech gadgets. From manual labor to robots doing work for humans. But, there are still gazillions of questions and mysteries just waiting to be answered. Balance. Balance is what we need to understand the complexity of our universe today. As people say having too much or being insufficient is dangerous. Why do you think for each saying or quotation there is always a counter - saying to it. Life is all about balance. Life is like poker, you must know when to make your move and take a risk. You might not always win, but at times you'll get lucky. But you'll never win if you don't take risks. As one person said: " You'll never know if  you made a right choice or a mistake, if you never took the chance to make it happen.

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