Friday, August 5, 2011


Not only in writing and talking do we commit redundancy, we also tend to do it in life. At times, we do not easily learn, that is why we tend to repeat our mistakes. Sometimes we just do it because we forget. Sometimes, we just didn't learn from our mistakes and sometimes, we get our hopes up and think maybe, it would be different this time around. Sometimes we already know what would happen, because of the things that we know happened to the people we know, but we still do it because we want to experience things. Though, it might become dangerous at one point in our lives, it is a bit healthy too. Without making mistakes of our own we don't really get to experience life. We only experience an illusion of life, because deep inside we feel trapped by our own self. So it's safe to say maybe being redundant at times isn't so bad, because from it we actually get to understand things better. We get to see the whole picture clearly and upfront not just a glimpse of it, because seeing just a glimpse of the picture could lead to misunderstanding, so it is either you see fully and wholly or to not see at all.

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