I know it's almost a week past my birthday, but it's just now that I got time to do this. :)

I don't really know why people at times think that people only grow during New Year or on their birthday. It's just so weird, because everyday we grow through experience and knowledge. Though there are still some instances when we all act childish and immature. In defense, we all have to let all our craziness, immaturities and stress let out of our systems. If not, we'll all be worse in the future, as they say: "Too much of everything is dangerous." Okay back to the point, yes we all may grow but there are different growths that has happened to us throughout our lives, they may be physical, emotional, mental, financial (: or spiritual. Me? I've grown emotional, mental, spiritual (I'm not so sure, hehe...). Financial (not really, I'm still bankrupt, hehe...), physical ( I lost weight but never got taller, even just an inch, WHY GOD??? WHY??? Have I stopped getting taller? Will I be this short forever?)
Looking back to my past, I have grown a lot. I know that in my short life, I have achieved great and not so great things. I had my ups and down. I faced problems and challenges, and I overcame them, when I did not I still think it's God's plan. It's a bit okay, though honestly it still hurts, since I know there are people who are always there for me, always there to show there love, care and support to me. To the people that helped me in life especially my parents and friends thank you and I love you, without you I don't know what I am today. I know that a colorful and bright future awaits me, all of us actually, it's all up to us to make it happen.
Life, life would always be a journey, but whatever happens on the way we can always say it was an adventure. For me, in a journey it's about how you got to the final destination, who were the people that accompanied you and help you reach to peak of life, what are the things/ events that made you the person you are at the present.