Wednesday, August 7, 2013
AC Leadership Camp
Last July 19-20, 2013 the Assumption Iloilo high school officers, had their (our) leadership CAMP. Yes, CAMP. Finally, after a few years of being dormant, we, the LCBA, were able to bring back the camp. The event was so fun, interactive, and enjoyable. Though biased, I think this has been one of the most fun leadership camp ever since we were able to spend time with our fellow officers and bond. We were also able to learn many lessons and realizations not just about leadership but also about ourselves as a leader and as a person. We had various activities ranging from interactive group games to a bon fire with s'mores to movies 'til midnight to waking up early after 5 hours or so of sleep for the dawn rosary to zumba to team building activities to a talk by Ms. Shaira Gonzaga to a budol fight lunch and more. I know that this will certainly be memorable for all of us officers, especially for us seniors since this was our last leadership training in Assumption. Since pictures speak a thousand words let me just post some pics rather than just blabbing because honestly, I'm way tired from school and couldn't really think straight.

Monday, August 5, 2013
Nail Art
Last Summer, since I had nothing much to do, my nails became my beauty priority. I know it's vain and weird that I'm attached to my nails. Well, it's because I think of nail polishes as mood reflectors. Nails arts can easily show off one's personality, style, attitude, and creativity, besides the colorful nail polishes are totally tempting. Having nail art doesn't mean splurging, it's summer so I had no allowance therefore self-service is all I got and Youtube nail art videos were my teachers. Through those tutorials I was able to learn different nail arts, be innovative and be proud of myself for doing a great job of painting my nails, and trust me it isn't easy to paint your right-hand nails with your left hand. Here are some of my fave nail arts that I did last summer. Hope you like them.
Foodie in me: British Dinner!
It has been a long time since I was able to cook a dinner for my family, due to my busy schedule and stressful life, but last Saturday, I finally got the time, inspiration and energy to cook. I'm so happy I had the time. I rarely really like the food I cook and this one is a fave, thanks to some ideas I got from watching Chef Jaime Oliver cook. Here's the result: Boiled Potatoes, Sliced Whole Wheat Bread and Honey Mustard Pork with Calamansi Onion Mustard Sauce topped with Cream Cheese.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Tribute to the Azkals and Malditas and all the Filipino Athletes
Everyone knows I'm a huge aficionado of the Philippine Azkals and the sport of football and that I have the biggest respect towards athletes, so I made this poem as a tribute to them and to the Philippine Malditas who inspire and perspire for their love of the Beautiful Game and for their Filipino Pride.
By Marianne Falcis
Adrenaline comes rushing through my
I’m ready, excited for the challenge.
I came here with the goal to win
To bring pride and glory to my
I am a proud athlete.
I am a proud Pinoy.
As a child, I already dreamt of
glorious and triumphant trophies and medals.
I know I was destined for greatness.
So, I worked hard to do the best of
my abilities,
Always putting up a cheery smile
Even though I was full of aggression
and angst.
In those games I’ve played, I’ve won
and lost.
Through those loses I’ve learned from
my mistakes and tried to improve.
In those victories, I’ve learned
humility, modesty and good sportsmanship.
Even though at times I am tired, sad
and defeated,
I feel a surge of joy, when I hear our
names being cheered,
I know that all our hard work has paid
I learned that team work and
camaraderie is a crucial ingredient in the recipe for victory.
Now, I play with the best of the
My football- brothers and sisters,
Not blood related but united by one
common goal.
And I know I will keep giving my all
for this Beautiful Game, the game that I love.
Lies and All That
Lie can be so deadly. Here's a poem I've made not so long ago regarding my views on how lies corrupt us and such, hope you like it.
Lies” by
Marianne Falcis
How deep the earth shall our bodies be
Down beneath the earthly soil that gives
life to the plants,
That beautify the surroundings and bear
fruit to the living.
Shall the world that we longed for be
forever gone,
Faded down into the mist of airy nothingness?
The darkness and the cold cover our
soul-less shell,
Our mortal flesh decaying…
Shall we be turned into nothing more but a
pile of bones?
As we look back at memory lane’s best,
see our mistakes.
We only saw what we wanted to see,
The glamorous and fabulous façades of life.
We ignored the stench of falsehood and
deceit in all of those days.
Happiness, love, purity, morality and
Turned glum by our own infectious and dirty
We had forgotten about the tragedy of
That our world is running out of chances.
We had been exposed of our wickedness. Our
Our sinful ways have gotten the best of us.
Our humanity diminished, buried inside a
Together with all the hope that has been
robbed of us.
So come let us rise from our deathbeds and
stop living our lives like the living dead.
Regretful Blue No More
“What” and “if” are two simple words that
are totally harmless but once you put them together they form one of the
hardest question to answer: “What if?”. It is a great, yet kind of horrific,
question we ask ourselves at times. Who would ever think that this short
statement could fill you with so much guilt and regret? It causes such a great
impact on how we live our life and our perspective of it, especially on
reflecting about the decisions we've made and the things we've done in the
past. This simply teaches us to lessons in life. First, when opportunity comes
make the most of it. Fact says 90% of people who say no and turn down
opportunities often regret the decision they've made. So will you be part of
that 90% of remorseful people? But before that, never forget to pray to God and
ask him for his wisdom and guidance when making a choice or doing something
important, because the holy spirit will just guide you to your right path.
Second, everything happens for a reason, so whatever happened it was God’s
destiny for you. Past is past, learn from your so-called “mistakes”, accept
that you don’t have a time machine, to go back to the past with, and move
forward with a positive attitude in your life for a better and brighter future.
The best cure for these Regretful Blues? Well, it’s acceptance and humility. It
reminds us that we are human. We make mistakes because we’re not perfect.
That’s because perfection is a myth for us humans, we only become better than
what we were before, but we can never be perfect because we are not God.
Since Report Card Day is nearing and we just finished our exams here's a throwback-poem I made when I was in second year. Since then up to now, my feelings towards this event is still the same: nerve-racking.
“Report Card Day”
Time is ticking and so is my lifeline
I am so nervous, obviously not fine
My heart is beating non-stop
It flutters and aches, about to pop
My hands are cold as ice
My stomach is filled with acidic
My face is slowly turning pale white
I think I can almost see the “light”
I can’t calm down my nerves any longer
‘cause all the waiting is over
Judgment Day is here
And here I am full of fear
With a piece of paper and ink, combined
Together with letters, my future is defined
Will I shine like the stars;
And end battles and wars?
Or will I be like a black hole
In which destruction is her only role?
And now as I open it
I begin to question my wit
As I look down, I gather all my luck
Only to be awestruck
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